Orange Rolls

Orange Rolls

These rolls will be light and fluffy if you do not use too much flour.

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Pat Parkin's Apple Crisp

Pat Parkin's Apple Crisp

This recipe is famous in the Costa Mesa Ward. It is especially good served warm with vanilla ice cream!

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Paulette's Oatmeal Cookies

Paulette's Oatmeal Cookies

These cookies turn out soft and chewy. If you do not like coconut or nuts, they can be omitted. You could throw in some chocolate chips too, if you like.

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Pear Tart with Poire Williams

Pear Tart with Poire Williams

This is a beautiful open tart filled with overlapping layers of thinly-sliced pears and fortified with a sprinkling of potent Poire Williams.

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One of our family traditions is to make cookies to give away at Christmas time. Snickerdoodles are always included on our plates. This recipe also won a blue ribbon at the Orange County Fair.

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Strawberry Cake Dessert

Strawberry Cake Dessert

This cake is really nice for special occasions.

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