

8        pig’s feet (ask butcher to cut each foot into 6 pieces)

6        lb. tripe (honeycomb)

3        lb. pork neckbones, cut small pieces (butcher will usually do it) and/or pork hock (ankles)

1         #2 can hominy (white or yellow) plus liquid

1          #2 can Las Palmas chili sauce (red, not enchilada)

2        T. salt

          pepper, garlic pepper to taste (optional)

Par-boil pig feet, tripe and pork bones in 6 qt pots of water (won't all fit in same pot) for about 5-10 minutes.  Skim off grey scum from top, then rinse thoroughly with cold water.   After par-boiling, trim off fat layer from the tripe, cut into 1/2 x 1½ inch long strips, and put aside.

Place pig feet and salt in a 12 qt pot, cover with 3-4 qts water, bring to a boil and reduce to simmer for about 1 hour.  Then add chili sauce. After 30 minutes, add tripe and neck bones and simmer for another hour or until pig feet and tripe are tender.  Continue to skim any fat and scum from top of liquid.  Add hominy and liquid 20 minutes before serving.  Add salt, pepper, garlic pepper (optional) to taste.

May garnish with fresh chopped cilantro, if desired.

Cooking time: about 2-2 ½ hours.  Serves 12-15.

Hall Lew