Corned Beef and Cabbage

Corned Beef and Cabbage

1         pkg. Corned Beef (2+ lbs.)

1½      cabbage (cut into quarters)

2         large Idaho potatoes

4         large carrots

1-2     onions (cut into quarters)

In a large (6-8 qt.) pot, put in corned beef and water (at least half full). Add seasoning pack that comes with the corned beef. Turn on medium-high heat until boiling, then reduce heat to medium-low.

Cut cabbage into quarters, trimming hard middle core. Cut potatoes into medium chunks (at least 8/potatoe). Cut carrots into medium pieces. Take off outer skin and quarter each onion. Add vegetables to pot.

Follow instructions on corned beef package for cooking time (based on weight). Taste broth and add water if necessary to suit your taste. Most people enjoy the soup along with the corned beef.

Mark Woo