Grandma Lew's Rice Puff Squares

Grandma Lew's Rice Puff Squares

1         C. water

2        C. sugar

½        t. cream of tartar

12       C. puffed rice

1         C. roasted peanuts

Heat puffed rice in the oven at low heat until crispy.   Prepare syrup heating sugar water and cream of tartar on top of stove over a low flame.  Continue stirring until syrup is a light brown color.

Use a large pot to mix puffed rice and peanuts with syrup.  Keep mixture over a low flame while coating the puffed rice with the syrup.  It is helpful to use a wooden spoon that has been oiled.

After puffs have been thoroughly mixed, pour mixture out on a well greased cookie pan.  Press the puffs into a 1 inch thick sheet.   Before puffs are cooled, cut into squares.

Margie Lew