Cowboy Cookies

Cowboy Cookies

1         C. margarine

1         C. brown sugar

1         C. white sugar

1         t. vanilla extract

2        eggs

2        C. flour

½        t. salt (or less)

1         t. baking soda

2        C. oatmeal

1         12-oz. pkg. chocolate chips 

Blend margarine and sugars together.  Add the 2 eggs and 1 t. vanilla, and mix.

Add flour, salt and baking soda.  Mix together with sugar/margarine mixture.

Stir in oatmeal and chocolate chips.  Bake at 350˚ for 15 minutes (large cookies) or 10-12 minutes (small).

Recipe makes 30 large cookies or 4 dozen regular size.

Susan Inouye