Basic Roll Dough

Basic Roll Dough

3½      C. flour

1         pkg. Active dry yeast

1¼      C. milk

¼        C. sugar

¼        C. shortening

1         t. salt

1         egg

Combine 1½ cups flour and yeast.  Heat milk, sugar, shortening and salt until warm, stirring constantly until shortening almost melts.  Add to dry mixture; add egg.  Beat at low speed of electric mixer for ½ minute, scraping bowl.  Beat 3 minutes at high speed.  By hand, stir in remaining flour to make soft dough.  Shape into ball.

Place in lightly greased bowl; turn once to grease surface.  Cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours or until needed.  About 1½ to 2 hours before serving, shape into desired rolls.  Cover; let rise in warm place until double.

See related recipe for Kerinda's Raisin Cinnamon Rolls in the "Desserts" section.

Kerinda Raine