Banana Slush Party Punch

Banana Slush Party Punch 

1½      C. sugar

3        C. water

1½      C. orange juice

¼        C. lemon juice

3        bananas, mashed

1         46 oz. can pineapple juice

2        Liter bottle ginger ale

Cook sugar and water to a syrup.  Add remaining ingredients (except ginger ale) and mix well.  Pour into ½ gal milk carton that has been lined with a gal plastic bag.  Freeze.  To serve, thaw slightly, then use a potato masher to mash frozen punch to a slush, than add ginger ale. Punch should be slushy when served.

May add Hawaiian punch or smashed berry juice to give the punch a red tint.

Makes about 6 qts.

Doubling the recipe will yield 3 half-gallon cartons

Margie Lew