Pumpkin Bread

Pumpkin Bread

1-2/3  C. sifted flour

1½      C. sugar

¼        t. baking powder

¾        t. salt

1         t. baking soda

½        t. nutmeg

1         C. grated rind (1/2 orange and 1/2 lemon)

½        C. salad oil

½        C. water

1         C. pumpkin puree

2        eggs

1         C. chopped walnuts

Sift dry ingredients together.  Set aside.  Mix oil, water, pumpkin and eggs, blending well.  Blend in dry ingredients.  Pour into greased 9"x 5"x3" loaf pans.  Bake in preheated oven (325˚) for 1½ hours.  Turn out onto rack to cool.  Slices easier if refrigerated.

Margie Lew