Dinner Rolls

Dinner Rolls

4-4½   C. flour

1         pkg. active dry yeast

1         C. milk

1/3     C. sugar

1/3     C. margarine, butter or shortening

1         t. salt

2        eggs

In a large mixer bowl combine 2 cups of the flour and the yeast.  In a saucepan heat milk, sugar, butter and salt just till warm and butter is almost melted; stir constantly.  Add to flour mixture; add eggs. Beat at low speed of electric mixer for ½ minute, scraping sides of bowl constantly.  Beat 3 minutes at high speed.  Stir in as much remaining flour as you can mix in with a spoon.  Turn out onto a floured surface.  Knead in enough remaining flour to make a moderately still dough that is smooth and elastic (6-8 minutes total).  Shape into a ball. Place in a greased bowl; turn once.  Cover; let rise in a warm place till double (about 1 hour).

Punch down; divide dough in half.  Cover; let rest 10 minutes.  Shape into desired rolls.* Cover; let rise till nearly double (about 30 minutes).  Bake in a 375˚ oven for 12-15 minutes or till golden.

Note:  I usually shape my rolls into Butterhorns.  To make butterhorns, spray baking sheets with non-stick spray.  On a lightly floured surface roll each half of dough into a 12-inch circle.  Brush with melted butter.  Cut each circle into 12 wedges.  To shape, begin at wide end of wedge and roll toward point.  Place, point down, 2-3 inches apart on baking sheets.  Let rise and bake as directed.

Makes 24-30 rolls

Ellen Berry