

3        14-oz. (or 2  26-oz.) can tomatoes – Mexican flavor recommended

1         bunch cilantro

2        green bell peppers, cored and diced

1         bunch green onions, finely sliced

1         T. sugar

1         T. salt


dried chilis, other seasonings to taste

Combine 2/3 of the tomatoes with 2/3 bunch cilantro in a blender at low speed until cilantro is in small pieces.   Pour into a large mixing bowl.  Add both green peppers.  Chop remaining cilantro and add. Add finely sliced green onions.   Stir together and add the last can of tomatoes, coarsely blended.  Add sugar, salt, pepper, and chili.  Stir all ingredients well, and allow them to sit for ½ hour in the refrigerator for flavors to blend.

Cathleen Alton