Chicken Soup

Chicken Soup

3½-4   lbs. fryer chicken

3        C. carrots

2        C. celery

10       C. water

2        small onion

1         T. salt

¼        t. pepper

1         t. dried parsley flakes

¼        t. thyme

½-1     t. garlic powder or 2 garlic cloves, minced

1-1½    C. homemade thin noodles – optional

Wash chicken.  Cut up into pieces.  Keep the neck.  Place in large (9 qt. stock pot).  Add chopped carrots, onion, celery, and water.  Add salt, pepper, parsley, thyme, garlic.  Place over high heat and bring to boil.  Lower heat, cover and simmer 35 minutes.  Check tenderness of chicken with fork and cook another 5 minutes if needed.  Remove from heat.  Be sure to skim fat.

Yields 2 ½ qt. or 8 servings.

Monica Sakamoto